
Quality Waist Twisting Disc


  • Iron Bearings to support the weight
  • Abdomen sides twist exerciser
  • Foot pressure (Meridian) points for relaxing the internal Organs
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Units Sold: 2

Last Updated: 14-Sep-2023


Exercising with Sport Waist Trimmer Disc can make you slim and keep you in good figure! The Sport Waist Trimmer Disc can provide comfortable magnetic massage for your feet. It is portable and useful. The Sport Waist Trimmer Disc is very easy to use, you just need to stand on it and twist. Combines the principles of reflexology, exercise and magnetic therapy to produce an overall effective exercise system This exercise system has a low impact on joints, making it ideal for all ages High level waist twisting device Note: Color of the product may vary

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Quality waist twisting disc
Quality Waist Twisting Disc